The baspares by the famous Turkish ney-maker Mehmet Yucel have just arrived!
Baspares (=embouchures for the Arabian flageolet-ney) come in two types: of Delrin and of Bull-Horns.
Their diameter ranges from 18mm to 23 mm and their construction-design is as follows:
For information and orders contact us:
Workshop address: Kyprou 78, Argyroupoli, Athens, Greece

Phone-number: 030 210 9933092 030 210 9920092 email us

Yucel Mehmet Paspare

Yucel Mehmet Paspare

Yucel Mehmet Paspare
Yucel Mehmet Paspare Yucel Mehmet Paspare
Yucel Mehmet Horn Pasparem with Zaranis Ney

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